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How to overmeld


Overmelding is the process of adding more materia than the base slots that the gear has. This is only possible to do on crafted (non-augmented) gear.

  • You can ovemeld to up to 5 melds in total.
  • The first slot can be the highest tier, afterwards only lower tiers.
  • The more you meld the lower the chance of succes.
  • Gear is not lost if melding fails, only the materia.

Overmelded crafters gear, red box shows which materia are overmelded

Where to overmeld?

You can ovemeld by: - Having a crafter levelled to overmeld - Use the ingame Request a meld from someone who has their crafters levelled.

Right Click on character then select Request Meld

Author: Robin Naite
Last update: April 18, 2022
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